What to Store and Avoid in Self-Storage Units

When you hire a self-storage unit, you're hiring an invaluable asset. Whether you're using one as an individual or for your business, it's clear you're in need of extra space. However, it's important to know that not all items are suitable for storage units. Understanding what you can and cannot store will make your experience smoother.

What to Store

Storage units are excellent for gaining freedom when space is a tight premium in your building. With that in mind, you might want to store the following:

  • Include any furniture that you don't use regularly. Furniture is often bulky, and when it's taking up unnecessary space, it might make your home feel claustrophobic. It's often worth keeping for the future, though.
  • Throw in seasonal items, like Christmas decorations. You know you'll need them again in the future, but they're useless for most months of the year.
  • Store documents and files that you can't justify parting with but that you don't want to keep in your home. These items might include insurance policies, confidential papers and birth certificates. Storage facilities have tight security, so important documents may be better placed there.
  • Keep any excess business inventory that you don't immediately need. For example, materials that you stock up on for future projects.

What Not to Store

Naturally, not everything belongs in a storage unit. Avoid keeping the following in yours:

  • Perishable food is a major problem. It attracts pests and can soon begin to smell once it passes its use-by date.
  • Hazardous materials are also prohibited at many facilities. Cleaning materials and other chemicals are often a fire risk. They need to be kept onsite where whoever is responsible for them can manage them in an emergency.
  • Plants are also likely to perish in a storage facility, even those that don't require much watering. Plants need daylight and regular care, so don't keep them where nobody can tend to them.
  • Try to avoid storing heavily scented items. While you might not mind the scent, it could prove off-putting for other facility users. 

When using your facility, make sure you label everything and perform regular checks. If you have a lot of items to store, use shelves so that you can take advantage of verticle space.

Self-storage units are excellent for organising your home or business. By knowing what you can and can't keep in yours, you'll stay safe and avoid breaching the terms of your storage agreement. Reach out to a self-storage facility near you to learn more.
